Keinohrhasen 2 Sure, they

Keinohrhasen 2

Sure, they minimized losses by hedging their bet, but they sent a bad signal to the market and more importantly, failed to embed their preferred format/coveted investment into a popular product. Sony did the opposite. They gambled, put Blu-ray in PS3, and while taking a huge hit on the frontside, the decision appears to have paid off with market share and guaranteed profits down the line. Also, does it strike anyone as a tad ironic that Sony won this format war with a more expensive, less compatable technology read: Betamax. Guess they learned their lesson: Win over the movie studios and the major retailers and you win the war. This unfinished stuff kills me. The point of a player is to PLAY a movie which is what 99 percent of people want. The stupid commentaries, who cares? pip? who cares! play the movie. These blogs are always skewed to tech snobs. The average person numbering in the millions wants to plop it in and watch. PERIOD! I think the greatest thing that comes from Toshibas announcement is that we as a movie culture can finally get back on the same page and collect movies again. This useless format war splintered the home entertainment enthusiast culture into pieces. Consumers who were once united under DVD were coerced to choose sides or were scared rightfully to take the next evolutionary step in home entertainment. And for those that did take this step, the debate in some corners seemed to reach a serious and troubling bloods v crips mentality on an internet level anyway. And in other corners the war was as comical Charlie Brown v Lucy. All of which in the end proved to be a waste of time and money from consumers, to media, to movie studios and hardware deveopers. Now many fences need to be mended and egos soothed before we get back to the real business of collecting, watching and enjoying movies at home. This was a sad two years keinohrhasen 2 by a pointless and unnecessary civil war. Karl wrote and the region codes arent a big deal anyways unless you pirate movies, which degrades video quality anyway and makes hi def kind of pointless right? Actually no the big deal is if DVDs are not sold in your region, or if you travel a lot and want to watch them on your laptop. Pirated DVDs tend to be region 0 play everywhere, so region-coding makes them more attractive. Who still buys dvds? Do you people really buy this crap? It is free all over the internet! Why would ANYONE buy it when you can download it to your computer, hook the computer up to the television, and have the same effect? – UMM, because some of us arent pirates and want to easily and legally watch movies? Maybe perhaps, MR. PIRATE? HD DVD is the most cost effective way to tru-HD. This statement is not only true because you can get the full HD Player for less than 200 right now, but because it has the capability to play all of its currentover 200 and any possible future titles via Ethernet and/or disc updates to its firmware. Unless Blu-Ray adds this feature to its players other than the PS3 you end up with a NEED for more than one BR player before the next-gen entertainment devices arrive. And for the PS3 lover above the PS3 is a horrible keinohrhasen 2 game console due to lack of titles as well as compatability problems with the GH and Rock Band hardware/SCAM for starters. My Elite plays ALL games best1080p including 2007 Game of the Year BioShock and Rock Band WITH the GH hardware. So dont throw your 360 away get a job/better job so you can afford both. Blu-Ray had a much greater storage capacity than HD-DVD. It was a no-brainer. It seems like more of these comments are complaining about a hatred of Sony rather than speaking about the benefits of either format. And those widely touted DVD/HD combo hasnt someone mentioned that they were often faulty. HD-DVD seemed to be a lot smarter. It is strange how video game consoles are in the middle of DVD wars. Both BR and HD-DVD are a great format we will miss HD-DVD. In this world of gotta have it right now Im laughing at keinohrhasen 2 HD DVD/Microsoft xbox geeks today. I was content to hang on to my PS2 until the time was right. When I heard Warner Bros. had sided with Blu-ray I went out and bought the King of them all 80gig Playstation 3 which will be upgradeable for years. Since I didnt give the losers all my fun money, Ill really be enjoying the Blu-ray victory.

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